Monday, March 19, 2012

Who is carrying you?

Wherever Jesus went great crowds followed him.  Some came to hear him preach, some to be healed and some just because they wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  One day, in Capernaum, four men brought a man who could not walk to see Jesus.  But, the crowd was so large around Jesus, both inside the house and out, that the men could not get through.  So they went on the roof of the house and lowered the man down right in front of Jesus.  In so doing, the four friends could be sure of two things: 1) their friend would get to see and be healed by Jesus and 2) they would not.  But their efforts weren’t in vain for, as Mark tells us, “Jesus saw their faith” and because of it the man was healed.

The four friends “carried” the paralyzed man—both literally and spiritually--sacrificing their needs and wants so that his might be met.  This is true friendship.  But there is a truer friend in the story of the paralyzed man and it is Jesus himself.  "Your sins are forgiven." he says, a claim that could only be made in light of his own sacrficial death and resurrection.  True friends carry one another but it is because Jesus carries us all.

Who is carrying you? Is there someone who has been especially helpful and or encouraging during this time of “giving up?” How might sharing your struggles ease the difficulty of going without? And who are you carrying? How have you helped someone give up? How might you help someone this week?

 “No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends.”  John 15:12

1 comment:

  1. I have not been doing as well with my gratitude journal as I had hoped. Many days, I struggled to find something to write about. And when I did have something to say, I didn't have my journal.

    When my daughter was going through a rough couple of days, I decided to get her a gratitude journal. I thought it might help her and, having a buddy would definitely keep me accountable.

    I bought us matching moleskin journals, in the second smallest size so that we could carry them in our back pockets. Sometimes I feel like a middle-schooler with a comb in my back pocket but it worked.

    Being accountable to someone made me actively look for things for which I was thankful and having my journal in my back pocket meant I could record things before I forgot.

    One rule of gratitude is the more you look for blessings the more you will find. And if you truly want to know what to be grateful for, just read the gratitude journal of your twelve-year old daughter.
